Monday, November 30, 2009

Introduction and Course Guidelines

Welcome to Report Night AZ - an Arizona Branch of (and with permission by) The Pantry School of Research. Our Chapter remains unnamed, as we have yet to actually MEET or anything, but the hopes for a clever and interesting name have not fully dissolved. In time, my friends.

Report Night AZ will begin meeting Friday, December 4, 2009 in Queen Creek, 7pm. Once a month, we will gather together in a makeshift school of Anything Goes, and present reports on, well, Anything. The guidelines are simple:

1. The subject is yours to choose, but it must remain confidential to yourself alone until the time comes to present. Subject matter is based on your interest, and is usually begun with asking oneself "Who, What, Where, When, Why, and/or How?" (i.e. "Who is Mookie Wilson?", "How is a penny made?" or "What can I do with the aloe plant growing in my backyard?") This is the junior high report you didn't do in junior high. Or maybe you did.

2. Reports are as long as you need them to be, but generally speaking, about 5 minutes in length. Examine and exhaust your topic to the best of your ability. Part of that time can be filled with Q&A, at your discretion. Most important to remember, You Are Not Being Judged.

3. Contrary to the rules of Pantry School, you are not given a pass, even on your first time. All who attend, must present. However, you may be able to get away with presenting with a partner if you also bring gifts of deliciousness.

4. Reports include a visual aid, to be left at the school for display.

5. Report Night meets once a month on the first Friday. It is a meeting of minds, both alike and different, with a shared quest. The quest is knowledge. The call for information rings clear, and we ask you to answer it. Bring what you know. Research what you don't. Share and be shared with. Grab a chair, and a slice of pie, and allow yourself to walk away from the night with a greater understanding of things you didn't know you wanted understood. Knowledge is Power, and there is Power in Numbers. Fear nothing but the thought that you know everything you need to know. Did I mention there might be pie?